German Meza

@México, 12/04/1995
I love to code, develop complex algorithms, travel and take amateur photos (feel free to look my Instagram page :D)

- Time makes things exponential -

Twitter: @germanamz
Github: @germanamz
Skype: live:iam_1135
Instragram: @germanamz
Computer Information Technologist
2012-2016 | Centro de Enseñanza Tecnica Industrial (CETI)
Fluent English
Agile development / Async
Client interaction
Data analysis
Logical thinking
Testing & debugging
Software architecture
Problem solving
Writing and verbal communication
Detail oriented
Temporalvue.jsGo LangHapi.jsReactAWSAWS LambdaNodejsPostgresDockerLit ElementWebRTCMediasoupFirebaseEC2PixiJsPHPPythonNextjsAWS KinesisAWS SQSAWS DynamoAWS CloudWatchAWS Step FunctionsAWS CloudFrontJavascriptSQL ServerRestjenkinsVerdaccioLoopback 3Angular 4TypescriptMongodbElectroniOSWindowsElasticCordovaJQuery3dCartReact NativeKubernetesGCP cloud runMongodb AtlasAngular 7CodovaLoopback 2AngularJs
My experience
Senior Software Developer
Oct 2021 - Present
Temporal, vue.js, Go Lang, Hapi.js, React, AWS, AWS Lambda, Nodejs, Postgres, Docker, Lit Element, WebRTC, Mediasoup, Firebase, EC2, PixiJs
  • Developed and maintained FrontEnd and BackEnd features.
  • Performed code reviews to ensure quality standards.
  • Optimized code to deliver the best performances possible.
  • Analyzed points of opportunity to tackle performance issues.
  • Proficient on development of new features.
  • Leading the development of new services.
  • Architecture contributions to improve the overall systems.
Senior Software developer
Mar 2020 - Oct 2021
PHP, Python, React, Nextjs, AWS Lambda, AWS Kinesis, AWS SQS, AWS Dynamo, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Step Functions, AWS CloudFront
  • Developed and maintained BackEnd features and microservices to enhance scalability.
  • Mentored junior developers.
  • Architecture contributions on multi-regional delivery and reliability.
  • Refactored internal libraries following clean code principles to improve performance and maintainability.
  • Migrated microservices from a conventional environment to a Serverless one to optimize infrastructure performance.
  • Led the development and integration of an internal microservice that advanced data quality.
  • Modernized a legacy codebase by migrating from PHP to JavaScript which improved functionality and standardization.
  • Performed code reviews that ensured that the software was meeting its specifications and quality standards.
Boy Scouts of America
Software Developer
Jul 2019 - Mar 2020
Javascript, Nodejs, Hapi.js, SQL Server, Rest, AWS, jenkins, Verdaccio
  • Developed and maintained the organization's core API REST endpoints to ensure proper integration and functionality.
  • Improved microservice architecture to allow microservices to work together to operate as a monolithic service.
  • Refactored complex SQL queries to improve application performance.
  • Performed code reviews to improve code readability, performance, and maintainability.
  • Analyzed log data to detect anomalies in the API's performance and promptly resolve the issues.
  • Deployed multiple APIs from a Monorepo to optimize version control
Senior Software Developer
Jan 2016 - Dec 2017
Javascript, Nodejs, Loopback 3, Angular 4, Typescript, Mongodb, Electron, iOS, Windows, Rest, AWS, Elastic, Cordova
  • Worked on the entire full development lifecycle of an application to ensure a quality product from start to finish.
  • Built features that enabled the app to communicate with other iterations of the same app.
  • Indexed large quantities of PDFs to enable a function that could search the PDF files.
  • Developed a Desktop and Web User Interface with Angular to promote an intuitive User Experience.
  • Integrated with GE's intranet and authorization services to optimize security.
  • Designed the application to be compatible with Desktop and Web browsers to increase cross-platform usability.
  • Designed the architecture of the backend, desktop and web applications.
Continente Ferretero
e-commerce Platform Support
Dec 2014 - Dec 2015
Javascript, JQuery, 3dCart

I contributed to the integration of the company's e-commerce site with its internal ERP to keep it updated and did maintenance to some frontend features.

  • Worked on internal system integration to the companies e-commerce site.
  • Maintained the e-commerce site information valid and healthy.
Lead Developer
Javascript, React, React Native, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP cloud run, Mongodb Atlas, Angular 7, Loopback 3, Typescript, Rest, Mongodb, Codova, Elastic, Loopback 2, AngularJs
  • Gathered software requirements to determine the most suitable tech stack and implementation strategies for client's mobile applications.
  • Panned the development, budgets and estimations for each project.
  • Developed a low-level Swift integration to React Native's JavaScript runtime that managed card expirations in a modal.
  • Executed server updates to allow for a compatible integration with a mobile application.
  • Performed code reviews to ensure optimal code quality that met client specifications and quality assurance protocols.
  • Spearheaded the design and development of a mobile application.